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Method of Service / Types of service . ( English, French , American)


  There are several forms of restaurant service from simple ‘plated meal to ( i.e food portioned directly on the plates in the kitchen ) to elaborate forms of Gueridon service. The type of service to establish depends on many factors. Some of the factors that influence the type of service are  ;   ★Types of establishment 

            ★ Types of customer 

            ★ Number of guests expected 

            ★ Cost of food

            ★Time available 

            ★Types of menu served 

Types of Service:-

 French Service:- French service is a formal type of service-oriented for European nobility and presently enjoyed by a few who can afford the time and expense in this style of service.

      There are two variation in this style of service.

    ★ Sliver service 

    ★ Gueridon service

Silver service :- It is also called a platter - to-plate service. This type of service is featured in many of the best international restaurants and hotel. It is an expensive, Ieisurely and personalized service .

          The food is prepared and attractively arranged on the service platters by food production staff in the kitchen. Stewards bring the food to the dining room. Then holding the platter in the left hand, he transfers the food to the guest plate by artfully manipulating a fork and spoon held in the right hand. Service procedures in this way around the table are counterclockwise.


  • It is elegant and adds up to the total ambience of the restaurant.

  • Platter service can provide a special touch and allow managers to control labor and product costs closely.
Disadvantages :-
  • The initial capital investment in-service equipment is high. 
  • This style of requires a large number of staff 
  • It also requires professionally trained and highly skilled staff, as a result labor cost goes up.           

Gueridon service:-

 It is an elaborate and elegant service style in which menu items are partly prepared in the kitchen and the rest is finished on a specially designed cart beside guest table in restaurant .

            Menu items are cooked or flambeed or carved in front of the guest by specially trained staff . This is requires professionally trained service staff who understand and can follow all of the procedures required for effective table side food preparation .

Advantages :- 

• It is most elegant service mood of all varieties.

• It is one of the impulse buying methods.


• In this service staff need enough dining area to move trolley through the room and prepare food alongside tables ; this reduces the number of tables and seats in the dining room , which reduce the operation's gross sales .

• It requires extensive service and preparation equipment .

• This style of service needs professionally trained labor ,which increases labour cost .               

English service :- 

 In this type of  service ‘Host ' plays an active part . Finished food is brought in by the steward on Platter and presented to host for approval . The host himself determines the portion size and serves his guests using one of these methods .

★ serving the portions to his guests directly on their plates .

★ Host asks the steward to serve the determine portions to the guests .

★ Portioned food is passed around the table and the guests serve themselves .

This service is very popular in formal dinner and is relatively easy to implement for service staff.

Advantages :- 

 • It requires a little dining area .

 • Table turnover rates and service time can also be rapid .

Disadvantage :-

• It is difficult to implement portion control procedures . The last guests may not receive as much of an item as they would like ,if the first guests served too much . This problem can be reduced ,if the initial amount of food placed in the bowl is generous .              

American service:-

It is the most common style of table service in United State . Being a quick form of service , it is chiefly used in coffee shops and restaurants with a busy luncheon trade  .

    Here the food is portioned and pre - plated in the kitchen by the chef on to the plate directly . The waiter are responsible for picking up of the plates and delivering them to the guests ,at the table . This service is done from right side .

Advantages :- 

• The accompaniments of the dish are also pre - plated to balance the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and colour .

• The responsibility for food quality rests with the chef .

• Food presentation is consistent , because the chef controls it and promote service is easy to achieve .

• It is comparatively inexpensive and quickest from of service . Labor cost is low , as stewards are not required to have much experience .

Disadvantages :-

• Dining activity loses some of the flair and elegance .

• This service needs that stewards clear each course's emptied plates and used flatware before serving next course .                

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