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Attributes of F & B Personnel .

Attribute :-

    The following are the principal attributes that assist the service personnel in achieving excellent service .

Personal Hygiene :-

    This is utmost important as he is in constant touch with handling of food and working in a guest area . The waiter should maintain personal hygiene throughout his duty hours .

 • Hair:-   Hair should be short and neat so that is easily manageable ; women with long hair are required to roll it up into a neat hairdo . Regular shampooing of hair prevents formation of dandruff . Males should be clean - shaven or with moustache or beard neatly trimmed .

 • Mouth :- Coughing and sneezing in the restaurant where food is exposed is very dangerous as germs can be easily transmitted through the air to the food . Bad breath and stained teeth can put off the guest . Regular dental care and periodic dental check will ensure a  clean mouth , healthy teeth and a pleasing smile .

 • Nose :- Stewards with a bad cold and running nose should never be allowed to handle food until they have recovered . Touching with nose ,mouth ,and face unconsciously are habits that a steward must learn to avoid at all costs for he can easily transfer germs from the nose and mouth to the food he handles or serves .

 • Bathing :- Body odor is s sure sign of unhealthy habit of not bathing daily . Perspiration remains on the skin unless washed off with soap and water . Always use deodorant .

 • Hands :- Since the task of service personnel to serve food , it is essential for their hands to be clean at all times . Caterers provide hand washbasins with soap and hot water at all points where food is handled . This is done to ensure that the stewards make it a point to wash their hands after using the toilet or wash off remnants of one food before handing another .

        The hands should be free from curd and sores , as these can be a source of interaction and food poisoning . Nail should be cleaned and trimmed . No nail varnish should be worn .

Menu knowledge :- 

  The staff must have sufficient knowledge of all the items on the menu and wine list in order to advise and offer suggestions to the guests . Furthermore they know how to serve correctly each dish on the menu , what it's  accompaniments are , the correct cover , the make - up of the dish and it's appropriate garnish , and also how to serve various types of drink , in the correct glass and at the right temperature .

Punctuality :- 

    Punctuality is all - important . If the staff are late they can not plan their duty work well and prove to be insufficient . It shows lack of interest in work and a lack respect for management .

Local language :- 

      In the interest of the guests , the staff should have the knowledge of the local area , so that they are in a position to advise the guest on various forms of entertainment , shopping , the best means of transport to places of interest and soon .

Personality :- 

     The staff must be tactful , good humored and of an even temper . They must converse with the guest in a pleasing and we'll - spoken manner and the ability to smile at the right time pays dividends .

Attitude towards Guest :-

     The correct approach to the guests is utmost importance . The staff must not be over reactive and should anticipate the guests needs . A careful watch should be kept on guest at all times during the service . Never argue with the guest .

Memory :- 

      This is an asset  to food and beverage staff  . It may help them in various ways like remembering the face , like and dislikes of the guests .

Honesty :-

       This is a very important attribute of the staff , when dealing with the guest and the management . If there is trust and respect in the triangle of  staff , guest and management  relationship , then there will be an atmosphere of work which encourages efficiency and good team spirit among the food service operators .

Conduct :- 

      The staff conduct should be impeccable at all times in front of the guests. They should be clam and composed even in the most difficult situations . The rules and regulations of an establishment must be followed and respect should be shown to all senior members .

Sales ability :-

      The staff at the food service area , reflect the image of the establishment .They are sales people and must therefore have complete knowledge of all forms of food and drink and their correct service , and so be able to contribute to personal selling and merchandising .

Guest satisfaction :-

      The food and beverage staff must see that the guests have all they require and are completely satisfied . It is of great importance to anticipate the guest needs . If a guest is comfortable in his surroundings ,then that is because of the warm and friendly atmosphere in the food service area , and the team spirit among the waiting staff .

Handling complaints :-

      In case of any problem , in the food service operation , if they cannot deal with the situation , it should be referred to the senior member of the team ,who because of his greater experience will be able to clam the guest and put right any fault . Remember that loss of time in dealing with complaints only makes the situation more worse . 

Sense of urgency :- 

         The staff should have sense of urgency for the following reasons . 

 • When the guest needs the food urgently or when a running order is taken .

• Top optimize the business turnover of the restaurant .

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