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Cigar types and brand name.

 Cigar :-

       Cigar is prepared from good quality tobacco leaves which are rolled to various lengths and girths. Havana cigars are regarded the best in the world. A cigar is made up of three constituent parts. 

     They are as follows :-

                • Filler

                • Binder 

                • Wrapper 


Filler :-

       The filler forms the interior of the cigar and makes most of cigar . Tobacco leaves used as fillers can be either long or short . Long fillers are made up of whole leaves which are of better quality , while the shorter ones are made of chopped leaves , which are inferior . A filler is made of a blend of leaves from different regions to get good flavour .


         It is a good quality leaf with high tensile strength which holds the filler . Two to four leaves of filler tobacco are laid end to end and rolled into the binder leaf . A filler with a binder is termed bunch . Usually , these are tobacco leaves chosen as wrappers but rejected because if the holes and blemishes .

Wrapper :-

         It is the outside of the cigar and also the mos expensive part . A whole leaf of the finest quality is chosen and it must be elastic  , smooth , of a good colour , and not too prominently veined . It should also have a good aroma since it is the most vital ingredient in the taste of a cigar . The bunch is laid at an angle across the strip of wrapper leaf . The wrapper is then wrapped carefully around the binder , overlapping at each turn till the end of the hook and is stuck with vegetable gum , forming the rounded close head . It is then cut at the other end to the length required .

★Cigars are made both by hand and machine ; handmade cigars are expensive .

Structure of Cigar :-

        A cigar has two ends , namely ‘ head ' and  ‘ foot ’ . Each cigar has a paper band with its brand name printed on it . The end close to the band  , which has a leaf - cap , is called the ‘ head ' . The end opposite to the head is ‘ foot ’ . The foot end of the cigar is lit while smoking . The smoker makes an incision or cuts the cap ( round closed end ) at the head of the cigar and draws smoke from the head of the cigar .

Used to Refer to Colour of Wrapper :-

           The leaf used for wrappers various in colour which are sorted accordingly and marked on the boxes to indicate the colour of the wrapper . The terms used to denote the colour are follows .

★ Claro (CCC) :- Light golden brown .

★ Colorado -Claro ( CC ) :- Medium ,tawny       colour . 5th

★ Colorado ( C ) :- Reddish brown ,also called rosado .

★ Colorado Maduro (CM ) :- Dark brown .

★ Maduro (M ) :- Very dark brown .

★ Oscuro    :- Black and oily in appearance , it is also known as double maduro .

★ Natural :- Light brown to brown .

★ Candela :- Greenish Yellow in colour. , It is also known as double claro .

 Shape and sizes of cigars :-

       Cigars are grouped according to their sizes and shapes , which together are known as the Vitola . According to the shape , cigars are classified into two groups.

Parejo:-This is the common shape of cigar ,has cylindrical body , straight sides ,one end open , and a round tobacco leaf cap on the other end .


Figurado:- These cigars come in irregular shapes . The common shapes of Figurado are as follows :- 

Torpedo :- It is like Parejo ,but the cap is pointed .


Pyramid :- It has a broad foot and narrow to a pointed cap .                  

Perfecto :- It is narrow at both ends and bulged in the middle .                       

Tuscanian :- It is also termed as cheroot - long , slim , tapered at the ends ,and thicker in the middle .          

Brands of cigar :- 

  • Romeyo Y Julieta 

  • Punch 

  • Fonseca 

  • Hoyo de Monterrey 

  • Bolivar 

  • Cuaba 

  • Montecristo 

  • Rafael Gonzalez 

  • Partagas 

  • H . Upmann 

  • Ramon Allones 

  • Saint Luis Ray 

Different types of Parejo image :-


Different types of Figurado image :-                 

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