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Cheese and it's type .

 How many types of cheese , cheese types names ,what are the 7 types of cheese ,cheese name with example and cheese history .

Cheese :-

         Cheese is made from coagulated milk ,cream ,skimmed milk or a mixture of any of these .The simplest cheese is made from sour milk that separates into curds and whey . There are many categories of cheeses varying from soft ,fresh cheese to well - matured highly flavoured varieties .


             Today , around world there may well be over 1,000 named varieties of cheese  . Australia has one of the most efficient dairy industries in the world . Producing an increasing range of quality cheese from our lush pastures . Australian cheese tend to fall into one of eight different categories , depending on texture . These categories are:- 

             ★  Fresh unripened cheese 

             ★ Stretched curd cheese 

             ★ white mould cheese 

             ★ Semi - cheese 

             ★ Eye cheese 

             ★ Hard cheese 

             ★ Blue mould cheese 

             ★ Washed rind cheese 

History of cheese:-

            A legend tells the story of an Arab man who stored milk in a pouch made from the stomach of a sheep . On the journey through the desert on the back of a camel the milk became a mass of curd .

         Whether this is myth or fact is unknown . What is known however is that cheese has a long history , in fact , the organic of cheese making lies beyond reported history .

        Traditionally ,many cheeses were named after there region of origin  , such as Cheddar or Brie . Nowadays these traditional cheese styles are reproduced in countries throughout the world .

Fresh Unripened cheese :-

        Fresh Unripened cheese are coagulate under the action of lactic acid Fermentation in the milk instead of adding rennet . While they are drained after formation of the curd ,they are neither ripened not fermentation .

Example :- Cream cheese ,Neufchatel , Mascarpone , Ricotta , Cottage cheese ,Quark ,Feta .

Stretched curd cheese:- 

      Stretched curd cheese is a cheese making term , it refers to milk curds that have been kneaded and pulled before being formed into a cheese . Generally ,cheese made from curd that has been cooked end up to be stringy , or fibrous or layered inside .

Example :-  Mozzarella ,Bocconcini , Provolone , Haloumi .


White mould cheese :-

        White mould cheese usually made with cow's milk , have a creamy texture and a mild , buttery test . Production involves adding a white mold culture to the curd , causing a white bloom to grow on the surface .

Example :-Camembert , Brie .        


Semi - hard cheese :-

          Semi - hard cheese a perfect balance of moisture and aridity  , these cheese provide a firm , slightly springy texture with a delicate blend of Savory and tangy flavour . Usually dense in consistency ,the cheese is often Made by compressing curds into a solid , draining them of any remaining whey in the process .

Example:- Cheddar ,Colby , Cheshire , Red Leicester , Creamy or Tasty Lancashire .


Eye cheese :-

         Eye cheese are the round holes that are a characteristic features of swiss - type cheese . The eyes are bubbles of Carbon dioxide gas . The gas is produced by various species of bacteria in the cheese.

Example:- Edam ,Gouda ,Emmental ,Gruyere , Tilsit ,Raclette .


Hard cheese :-

          Hard cheese is a cheese that is aged longer and this has a lower moisture content . Being firm harder is what makes it a hard cheese . They're dry and often crumbly . Many of them can be enjoyed by themselves ,but being firmer in texture and sharper in taste ,they are great when grated for pasta , salads ,soup ,and more .

Example:- Parmesan , Pecorino , Romano ,Pepato .


Blue mould cheese :-

          Blue mould cheese is made with cultures of the mold Penicillium , giving it spots or veins of the mold throughout the cheese , which can vary in color through various shades of  blue and  green . This carries and distinct smell ,either from that various specially cultivated bacteria .

Example :- Gorgonzola ,Danish style blue , Roquefort style blue .


Washed rind cheese :-

          Washed rind cheese or smear- ripened cheese are cheeses which are periodically treated with brine or mold - bearing agents . This encourages the growth of certain bacteria on their surface which give them distinctive flavours . Washed rind cheese can be hard or soft .

Example :- Munster , Milawa Washed ,Raclette ,Red Square .


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