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Rum it's type and brand name

 Rum :-

    Rum is a spirit distilled from fermented sugarcane by products such as sugarcane juice, sugarcane syrup, and molasses. The most commonly used product is molasses. It is distilled at less then 190 proof (95%abv) and bottled at not less than 80 proof (40%abv) .
                  Rum is produced in all sugarcane producing countries of the world . The most important countries are Caribbean Islands ( West Indies) , and the USA , Venezuela, Bolivia ,Guyana ,Brazil , Mexico , South Africa , Australia and India.


Production of Rum :-

         The following steps are involved in the production of Rum.
  • Molasses a by products obtained during the sugar manufacturing process,is diluted with water.
  • The liquid is then allowed to ferment naturally by yeasts in the air or with the addition of a distiller's strain of cultured yeast and or dunder the yeast rich foam from the previous fermentation , depending on type of rum being produced .
  • The distiller may either opt for faster fermentation which lasts for less than two days or slow fermentation which takes up to two weeks .‘ Wash ' ( fermentation liquid ) obtained by faster fermentation is generally used in the production of white and lighter rums .
  • The wash obtained with alcohol strength of 7% is the distilled either by patent still ( continuous / Coffey) or pot still. The rum produced in patent still is white and very light and the rum obtained from pot still has more congeners that give strong aroma and body to it.
  • The light rum is then aged on wax - lined oak cask or stainless steel container for a period of one year to get white rum ,or matured for three years in charred oak cask and a small quantity of caramel is added to get gold rum. The congener - rich rum is matured in Oak cask which makes the spirit get the colour of wood and is also coloured with liberal dosage of caramel. During ageing , the strength of alcohol is between 75 and 85% .
  •  Rum is finally blended to achieve consistency in aroma ,colour,and body that is unique to a particular brand .The blend may have all type of rums -  whites, all darks,whites and darks, varieties from different Caribbean countries .
  • The alcoholic strength is brought down to 40% with the addition of distilled water before bottling.

Categories of Rum :-

  • White and light rum :-  It has very  little flavour and  is colourless. Its colourless and flavourless features has made this variety a perfect ingredient for cocktail. Most of the white rums come from Puerto Rico.
  • Gold rum :- It obtains it's colour either while maturing in charred oak cask or from the small quantity of caramel. It is normally aged for three years. It has more flavour than white rum.
  • Dark rum :- It has a strong and pungent flavour. It is aged for a longer duration a period of six years in charred oak cask. It gets its dark brown colour from wood, caramel , and / or residual molasses . This rum is extensively used in cookery , especially in the preparation of cakes , sweets , and ice creams .

  • Spiced rum:- It is dark in colour, flavoured ,and coloured with spices and caramel. Inexpensive white rum may be coloured with liberal creams .
  • Flavoured rum :- This rum is flavoured with fruits,such as orange , lime , apricot , plums , Banana , coconut ,etc.
  • Overproof rum :- The alcohol percentage of this rum is more than the standard ABV 40% . These rums have ABV 75 and 80% which are generally ideal for flambeing  purpose.

  • Premium rum :- These are special and prestigious products of the distiller and aged for long time ( above 20 years) and carefully blended with old rums. They have have more flavour than other rums .

Brand name :-

   Dark Rum :-  

  • Captain Morgan ( Haiti)
  • Myers ( Jamaica)
  • Ron Del Barrilito ( Puerto Rico)
  • Hercules ( India)
  • Old Adventure ( India)
  •  Lemon Hert ( Jamaican)
  • Cruzan Rum ( Us virgin Islands)
  • Old monk ( India )
  • Appleton Estate ( Jamaica )
  • Naval (India )
  • El Dorado ( Guyana )
  • Gosling's Black seal Rum ( Bermuda)
  • Bacardi ( Puerto Rico)
  • Jamaican Dark Rum ( Jamaica)

White Rum :-

  •  Rom Rico (  Costa Rica )
  • 10 cane ( Trinidad)
  • Don Q Cristal ( Puerto Rico )
  • Bacardi ( Puerto Rico)
  • Tropicana ( India)
  • Ron Merito (Puerto Rico)
  • Ron Rico ( Puerto Rico)

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