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17 course French classical menu , 6 course French classical menu

French classical menu , french classical 11 course ,17 course French classical menu ,5 course French classical menu , French classical menu with example and images .

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6 - Entrée / Entree

        The First in the meat course Entrées are generally small, well garnished dishes which come from the kitchen ready for service. They are always accompanied by very rich gravy or sauce when releve follow entrée then potatoes and vegetables are not served with the latter; if, however a releve does not follow the entrée they would be served with the dish.

Examples of this type of dish are : 

  • Poulet saute chasseur : - saute chicken in a rich brown sauce flavored with tomatoes and mushroom.
  • Supreme de volaille sur cloche – breast and wing of chicken cooked under a cover in oven.
  • Steak Daine : - minute steak shallow fried and flavored with onions and mushrooms finished with red wine or cream.
  • Chateaubriand : - double fillet steak grilled. 

7 - Sorbet / Sorbet

       Because of the length of the French classical menu, this course is considered to be the rest between courses . It counteracts the previous dishes, and rejuvenates the appetite for those that are to follow. It is water and crushed ice slush flavored as a rule with champagne and served in a glass.  

Examples of sorbet :

  • Lemon Sorbet
  • Champagne Sorbet
  • Calvados Sorbet
  • Peach Sorbet
  • Raspberry Sorbet

8 - Releve  / Joints 

       This is the main meat course on the menu, Releves are normally larger than entrees and take the form of butcher’s joints which have to be carved. These joints are normally roasted. A sauce or a roast gravy with potatoes and green vegetables are always served with this course.

The Dish may contain any of the following:

  • Lamb (Agneau) Chicken (Poulet)
  • Beef (Boeuf) Duckling (Caneton)
  • Veal (Veau) Fowl (Poulard)
  • Ham (Jambon) Tongue (Langue)
  • Pork (Porc)

Some Examples of Releve:

  • Contrefilet de boeuf roti a l anglaise : - boned and roasted sirloin of beef.
  • Carre d agneau roti : - roast best end of lamb
  • Cuissot de porc roti puree de pommes : - roast legg of pork with apple sauce.
  • Gigot d agneau roti sauce menthe : - roast leg of lamb with mint sauce .


9 - Roti / Roast

       At this stage the balance of the courses is gradually returning from heavy to light. Roast always contain roast of game or poultry: - chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, quail. Each dish is accompanied by its own particular sauce and gravy, with a green salad served separately  on a crescent shaped dish.

Example of Roti:

  • Roast chicken
  • Braised duck
  • Roast quail.

10 - Legumes / Vegetables

         We now have a vegetable dish served only with its accompanying sauce.  These are vegetable dishes that can be served separately as an individual course or may be included along - with the entrée, relevé or roast courses. 

Examples of Legumes:

  • Pommes au four: - baked jacket potato
  • Champignons grilles : - grilled mushrooms
  • Choufleur mornay: - cauliflower with a cheese sauce.
  • Haricots verts au beurre: - French beans tossed in butter.

11 - Salades / Salad

          Various types of salads which are served during this course.

Examples of salades are:

  • Salade francaise : - lettuce, tomato, egg, & vinaigrette dressings.
  • Salade vert: - Lettuce, watercress, cucumber and green pepper.                    

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