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Hotel and hotel industry used abbreviation & its full form

Hotel - Hospitality organization Tourism enjoy life.
   All full form of hotel terms . Hotel industry used all type terms full form .

  1.  F&B- food and beverage
  2. Bar- best available rates /best alcohol replacement
  3. NC-  not chargeable
  4. BOT - bar order ticket
  5. KOT - kitchen order ticket
  6. ABC - Astray budwash/ Crut set
  7. IRD - in room dining
  8. ODC - outdoor catering
  9. GSA - guest service associate
  10. GRE - guest relations executive
  11. TDH - Table d' hote
  12. FP - function prospectus
  13. MTD - month to date
  14. YTD - year to date 
  15. UFC - unit finance controller
  16. MOD - manager on duty
  17. AP -American plan
  18. MAP - modified American plan
  19. CP -continental plan
  20. EP - European plan
  21. BP - barmuda plan
  22. DND - not disturb disturb
  23. APC - average per cover
  24. ARR - average room revenue
  25. IMFL - Indian mod foreign liquor
  26. FL - foreign liquor
  27. FSSAI - food safety standard authority of India
  28. HACCP - hazard analysis and critical control points
  29. Hotel - Hospitality organization Tourism enjoy life
  30. Chef - clean hygienic ethnic food
  31. CDP - chef de partie
  32. DCDP - Demi chef de partie
  33. KST - Kitchen steward
  34. IT - industrial training
  35. JT - job training
  36. HT - Hotel training
  37. HOT - Hotel operation training
  38. MT - management training
  39. HOD - Head of  the department
  40. MD - managing director
  41. DM - duty manager
  42. FOM - front office manager
  43. CSO - chief security officer
  44. GSA - guest service associate
  45. RM - restaurant manager
  46. HRM - human resource manager
  47. HRD - human resource development
  48. GRE - guest relation executive
  49. VT - vocational training
  50. ITC - Indian Tobacco company
  51. KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken
  52. GST - goods and service tax
  53. IRTC - Indian railway catering and tourism corporation
  54. PDR - private dining room
  55. EDR - executive dining room
  56. NCHMCT - National council of Hotel management and catering technology
  57. VAT - value order text
  58. B&B - bread and butter
  59. AP spoon - all purpose spoon
  60. POS - point of sale
  61. ECR - electronic cash register
  62. EPOS - electronic point of sale
  63. WC - water closest
  64. OPL - on premises laundry
  65. IR - instant reservation
  66. ADR - average Daily rate 
  67. PAR - potential average rate
  68. COGS - cost of goods sold
  69. FIFO - first in first out
  70. LIFO - last in first out
  71. SOP - standard operating procedure
  72. Captain - capability,attributes,powerful actfullness aiming impartial neutral 
  73. GGM - Group general manger 
  74. GM - General manger
  75. OM - Operation manager
  76. FBM - Food and Beverage manger 
  77. EDP - electronic data processing
  78. CDC - chef de cuisine
  79. FOH - front operation house
  80. BOH - back operation house
  81. AGP - adjusted gross operating profit
  82. BC - banquet check
  83. BEO - banquet event order
  84. BKG - booking
  85. COS - cost of sale
  86. FM - function room
  87. GS - gross margin
  88. GOR - gross operating revenue
  89. MOM - month of month
  90. OOO - out of order
  91. HM - housekeeping manager
  92. P&L - profit and loss
  93. CRM - customer relationship management
  94. CCG - crockery cutlery glassware
  95. DBR - daily business report
  96. USP - unique selling point
  97. BTC - bill to company
  98. TIPS -  to insure prompt service
  99. FIT - frequent independent traveller
  100. GSTS - guest satisfaction tracking system
  101. ARR - average room rent
  102. APC - all payment case
  103. PMS - property management system
  104. LOC - lime Onion chilli
  105. APF - All purpose fork 

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