What is Brandy:-
Brandy or burnt wine this is a mixture of distillates obtained from the fermented mash of grapes , which is aged in Oak casks for usually 2 to more then years .Brandy generally contains 35- 60% alcohol by volume.( Brandy typically consumed as an after dinner).

Types of Brandy :-
- Cognac
- Armagnac
- Spanish Brandy
- American Brandy
- Grappa
- Flavored Brandy
Cognac Brandy :-
One of the most the familiar brandies from the cognac region of France ,cognac is a grape based spirit that must be made of 90% of Ugni blanc ,Folle blanche and Colombard grapes ( white grapes ) .The wine produced from these grapes is high in acid and low in alcoholic and gives cognac it's attractive flavour.
Armagnac Brandy:-
Limousine and Troncais oak are used for the casks in which Armagnac is aged in the Gascony region of France and are essential to the Sprites strong and distinguished it from cognac .The main grapes varieties used in the production ,Ungi Blanc , Folle Blanche,Colombard and Baco Blanc .
Spanish Brandy:-
From the Andalusia regions of Spain ,Spanish Brandy was originally developed for medicinal purposes .The most popular Spanish Brandy today is Brandy de Jerez that uses the solera system of adding young spirits to older barrels while aging .These brandies tend to be sweeter than other grape varieties.
American Brandy :-
Most American Brandy is produced on the West Coast from the grapes grown in the region. While less expensive brands tend to be overly sweet, there are many quantity American varieties available. There are no regulations as to the grapes used in these brandies so the differences between brands can vary greatly.
Grappa Brandy :-
Grappa originated in Italy as a way to reduce the amount of wastes production when making wine .It is made by fermenting and distilling the pomace ,or left over grapes skins,stems,and seeds,and is typically unaged .Grappa is often clear ,but some distiller will age it ,giving it a yellow or reddish hue ( depending on the types of barrel used).
Flavoured Brandy :-
Using wines or other fermented fruit juices of various fruits produces a numbers of flavoured brandies ,each with their own distinct taste .
Types of Cognac:-
- Grande Champagne or Grand fine Champagne:- It refer to cognac produced entirely foam brandies made from grapes in the Grande Champagne region.
- Petite Champagne or Petite fine Champagne:-It is entirely from brandies produced from grapes grown in the petite region.
- Fine Champagne:- It is a blend of brandies produced from grapes grown in grand Champagne and petite Champagne areas .It must contain a minimum of 50% brandy from grand Champagne area.
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